If you are in the Utah you know it's dang cold! I'm not trying to draw any comparisons here, David showed me places in Alaska which are so cold I don't know how human habitation is allowed there.
But it's cold for here.
So here's a taste of us dealing with the winter the best ways we know how.
Hilarious. David was telling me now that he's accomplished what he wanted to in his personal life, the most exciting thing he has to look forward to is the warm weather! Ha, we can't wait!
We drove up around Sundance to check out the snowy mountains- it was gorgeous.
Tell me what you notice in this picture:
David's beard right? Who would have thought I would be okay with it? Actually I'll tell you a secret- I asked for it. He had been teasing for it for so long I guess I couldn't control my curiosity. My innocent musings about what his scruff would look like if he didn't shave for the weekend turned into more. It's still in the test stages at this point, so we'll see what the final verdict is.
Coolest frozen waterfall ever. More on this later in the week.
Am I addicted to the down comforter? Yep. Are we addicted to the seat warmers in the jeep? Yep.
Am I spoiled? Okay don't answer that.