Church History Trip- Day 4
Wednesday, August 07, 2013
So let me apologize- I realized I have to reread these before I send them out... Obviously I've realized that before, but as I read the last post that was riddled with errors and painful to read I recommitted to caring about my blogging ethic.
Okay with that being said, here's what we did on the fourth day of our trip. We woke up, had a continental breakfast and said goodbye to Kirtland as we made our way to the airport. We had decided to fly to Chicago and drive the 4 or 5 hours to Nauvoo to shave some time off our trip. Basically we wanted to focus on the church history part of the trip and not be on a full-blown road trip.
Once we got to Chicago it was the mid-afternoon and we were starving again and craving some deep dish pizza. When in Rome right? We also planned to visit the Chicago temple before we set off on our way to Nauvoo.
So on our way to the temple we pulled over at a fire station reasoning that someone had to know a good local pizza place. Nathan ran in and asked and got a good answer- a little place that was just down the street from the temple. We ran over there had pizza and dessert (you know I wasn't joking about those 5 lbs now) and satisfied our deep dish fantasies.
Here's what we did once we got to the Chicago temple:
I forced David to model for me and I got these gems :) I love my husband- haha.
I jumped in at this point since he was done modeling... or so I thought.
What a cheese ball :) And Colleen mentions this, but David is quite the exhibitionist. He changed in almost every temple parking lot we visited. Stripped down to his skivvies and changed, no shame. It was hilarious and entertaining.
And then we drove. Or I should say Nathan drove --what a champ-- for hours and hours all the way to where we stayed across the river from Nauvoo.