David is officially old enough to rent a car! Now I can tease him is that the only age milestone left is senior discounts. We had a fun time celebrating him this month. On his actual birthday we went to dinner, I made a blueberry desert and he opened some presents.
One of the things I got him was a pottery class with this amazing instructor who lives in Alpine and has a studio in his backyard. We did that for FHE a couple weeks after his birthday and now I appreciate David's ceramics skills way more.
Then we did the Smith family birthday dinner and celebrated David, Allison and Taylor's birthdays.
The honorees.
We made them do the cliche birthday cake pictures
David was excited about his molchajete. He also got cool socks, an awesome book about BBQ (which he has read cover to cover), a movie and a temperature gun.
Grandma and Grandpa got a surprise gift for mothers & father's day- an American flag with a flag stand. They even rode up with it in Mike & Alli's care and had no clue it was for them.
It was so fun to celebrate David all month long!