Adventure Baby
Monday, May 01, 2017
One of the reasons we've really enjoyed Utah County is the prime hiking. Since we've been together, David and I have hiked Squaw peak (to the top and the secret cave on the front), the Y, South Fork Canyon, Stewart Falls (one time on snowshoes), Mt. Timpanogos x2, and Battle Creek Falls.
We didn't want to forgo our hiking now that Scotty's not a newborn and in characteristic David fashion, he determined the usual baby carriers weren't adequate and researched until he found a suitable hiking backpack. This guy is all about the premium baby transportation, and even though I tease him he's made me a convert of his gear savvy dad ways.
We decided to get out and go visit Battle Creek Falls again even though it's still what I call "cold Spring." In Utah, there are two Spring phases- cold and warm Spring. I LOVE warm Spring. It's my all time favorite part of the year here. It's not too hot, it's usually green and beautiful. I'm so mad this year that the only version of Spring is the cold one. Rant over, but come on!!!
We love Battle Creek because it's a really short hike just to the waterfall and you can go to the top and bottom of the falls which is really cool. Scotty enjoyed the bottom of the falls where she sampled a few large rock specimens and tried to climb in the water.
You can see she successfully got her sweats a little wet there. I can't give over how cute those baby sweats are. Basically anything adult clothing style shrunk to baby size is amazing in general though.

I've been trying to consistently exercise and get out and walk because one Summer when I was really in shape I enjoyed hiking so much more and I really want to have that kind of stamina again.
Do you ever go, "hmm interesting choice self, I probably would not go with pigtails again but hey you tried." You live and you learn, ha.
The other thing I enjoy about Battle Creek is that it's pretty elevated because you drive up a hill to the trailhead so you get all the perks of the view with only half the work. Even if the view is the brown Utah Lake water.
The crazy thing about David and I hiking is we always (seriously always) run into family unplanned. Most of the time it is David's cousins but on this hike it was Uncle Hunter heading up with some friends, haha! Can't wait to keep adventuring with the family this year.
Such a fun trip! Cuuuuute family! Love the baby carrier. Also very nice how you hyperlinked your trips on your blog.
ReplyDeleteThis family is awesome. A perfect husband for any girl and a beautiful large hiking backpack story.