Camelback 2017
Thursday, June 15, 2017The truth is nobody cares about your vacation. There's really nothing worse than other people's vacation pictures. It's not that you're not happy for them, you probably sincerely are, it's just that pictures of the surroundings are never as amazing as reality and it all comes off as kind of boring.
I made an effort to focus more on people rather than environment this time because I was aware even I didn't care about those photos later haha. So here's David and I's 5th trip to Camelback and Scotty's 2nd. Stay tuned if you can stomach it ;)
She enjoyed her first pool experience and even kept her sunnies on once she realized the alternative wasn't fun.
There were lots of fun pool shenanigans, volleyball, inflatable duck races, etc.
And lounging of course, you're never too young for that.

The traditional Friday night train ride was fun, Scotty took it in stride.
Packed full of family! I tried to convince some kids not to ride in the cattle car. We tried that when we were kids and that's when I learned having a phobia of being trapped in a small space was a real thing.
Watermelon baby face zoning out on a train haha.
Grandpa Smith running over to say hi to the riders!
Now for the clingy tired baby on a train ;) My gorgeous waif.
We left shortly after to put the ladybug to bed but when daddy's around even a case of tired eyes doesn't matter.
We lucked out and got the same room as the previous year and it was adjoining my parents so we could go next door while Scotty napped. Even though the shower door still doesn't close all the way it's still our favorite location. Good proximity to everything.
My mom got Gage a bucket hat from the gift shop because he "forgot" his. When I told him that's why she got it for him he scoffed and said he hadn't forgotten his bucket hat, he just couldn't be caught in it 3 years in a row (the SHAME!!).
So Hunter came to Camelback jacked. He's been lifting weights for about a year consistently and it paid off- a fact which has Gage simultaneously horrified and jealous. Go Hunty!
This group of cousins partied so hard. Games, guac and sun was probably their motto.
Daddy is her favorite. Hands down favorite.
Though Grandma Smith really won points too, especially while assisting Scotty in her endeavors to eat as much ice straight from pool cups as she could.
The picture train kind of came to a grinding halt because poor Scotty threw up Saturday night and then proceeded to throw up every couple hours all night. She stayed home from the church meeting but we dressed her and brought her out for pictures because we really wanted the family ones we take on Sunday. So that sweet face right there had a fever. Scottlyn is such a trooper and not at all a complainer, even when she's sick.
She threw up again pretty shortly after this picture and we spent most of the rest of the day cuddling and sleeping. We brought her out again for a final picture with my amazing photographer cousin (I kind of feel like the worst mom ever but really it was so close to the room and just for a few minutes). She looks miserable but so sweet.
Basically this trip was SO FUN but also there was so.much.barf. I'm glad this won't be her real impression of Camelback though. Can't wait until next year already!
Feel free to compare to: 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 (opps didn't blog it)