Lemme Tell You About The Sump Pump
Saturday, April 14, 2018
You know how you watch for red flags when buying a house? I think the one semi- red flag on our house was the fact that it had a sump pump. Basically, the water table on our property has risen and so in order for the basement not to be perpetually flooded, the previous owners installed an underground sump pump that pumps the water out multiple times a day.
Even better, our neighbors informed us the previous owners promised them it would be temporary... And do you see that orange cone!? That was placed there over winter by an anonymous neighbor- HOW EMBARRASSING!
Scotty is modeling a swimsuit over her clothes here in case you were wondering- ha!
David, being the creative + physical person he is, solved the problem with a TON of manual labor once Spring arrived. (We moved in during the Fall, assessed the situation, Winter hit and then once Spring rolled in he was ready to go).He dug a hole that was about six feet deep in our side yard, filled it with rock and had the sump pump line terminate into that instead of running off over the grass. Now it drains into this huge, underground gravel well. No biggie. You're welcome neighbors.
But why stop there? (said David, king of never doing anything by half). David realized that the sump line's extra watering prowess had untapped potential. He extended the sump route in the backyard by digging a very long trench and re-routing it to the front yard's gravel pit. You can see his crazy route by the dead grass (which soon became very alive and longer than rest of the yard's grass due to the extra water).
He did mention the route extension was more work than he initially anticipated but if you ask him now he'd probably say it was no big deal. Which is the story of David's life- hard stuff he does always turns out so well in the end it seems like the the hard work was totally worth it.