Hatch Reunion 2019
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Hatch reunion was so much fun as always and this year we tried a new venue: Zion Ponderosa. It was right outside Zion National Park and we enjoyed the scenery, the fun big houses, playing with cousins and melting in the sun together.
Scotty was throwing up sick for the three days prior to reunion but we tentatively loaded up anyway to go on Sunday and crossed our fingers. Somehow she made it through Sunday without throwing up (though she talked about it a lot and basically spent the entire day laying on couches).
But we put her to bed with her barf bowl and when we went to bed ourselves later this is how we found her: her feet wedged into her bowl, half off her mattress.
But luckily on Monday when we went into Zion's she felt great and she had a good time getting to know Great Grandma Hatch a little better since she came with us.
We enjoyed devotionals, family history movie and time together.
Russell got a nap in on the way to the trails and then enjoyed being squired about in the stroller and backpack.
Super David took BOTH kids!! So I just had to get myself and the baby belly up to where we were going. The first hike was Weeping Rock. A very short, kid friendly hike up to a curved indent in the mountain that drips water.
Scotty was distressed about the water dripping on her so she tried out daddy's hat as protection.
I love the clear emotions on the different kid's faces - haha!
Russell is too curious and physical to really love the backpack the way Scotty does. He half climbed out of it a bunch of times.
Athena also enjoyed her excursion and being ferried around in her carrier. It worked out that she was awake at the top of this hike.
"Let's see those muscles!" - Me to boys who don't want to look at the camera ;)
It was pretty hot so we cooled off at the stream at the bottom of the hike. David valiantly made sure Russell didn't end up sopping wet for the remainder of the day.
Being a kid and getting sandy and wet is the best- Scotty Mae.
I don't know if they fully appreciate their sherpa/Dad, but I do! Here's a montage of David carrying the kids:
Not pictured is game nights, David's mountain biking group, the kids painting rocks and playing with toys together and lots of craziness with so many people in one gathering place. We had so much fun!