
Sunday, November 03, 2013

This week was busy. Like extremely busy. And I'm not saying that like it's a badge of honor- I really do believe President Uchtdorf was right when he said,

"[The wise] resist the temptation to get caught up in the frantic rush of everyday life. They follow the advice "There is more to life than increasing its speed."'

This week we really weren't able to slow down until the weekend because it was the end of the month and David was trying to close a deal on a property and get quarterly reports out at work. He worked a few 10 to 12 hour days this week. I was trying not to sink under a couple tests, work, an interview and professional student committee obligations (in retrospect, I should not have committed for everything I did and focused on what mattered most).

But we did still manage to have a little Halloween spirit this year, even though we were late to our ward party Wednesday night. We were the 11th Doctor and the tardis from Doctor Who, a British tv show. Check out our costumes at the party:

Hatch Happenings
We got a few compliments from some Doctor Who fans in our ward. One young women said she loved my shirt and asked David for the sonic screwdriver he had in his pocket.

Hatch Happenings
Here's David modeling his costume at home. We had fun gathering all the components for the 11th Doctor's wardrobe. He wasn't a big fan the uncomfortable suspenders. David was too tall for the suspenders which kept pulling his pants up and giving him a wedgie. He said he didn't have a big enough gut to keep his pants down, like some of the older men at church do- haha!

Hatch Happenings
Here's David's full outfit. I made that fez in 10 minutes right before the ward party with the red felt we bought a year ago for this purpose.

It sort of worked, thanks to the hot glue gun, a cereal box, and a pattern printed off the internet. I have enough felt that I'm planning on sewing him a nicer one for next year since David told me at the party he wants to re-wear this costume for the next few years.

Hatch Happenings
Here's my costume, also thrown together in those crazy 10 minutes. I bought the shirt on Amazon and was not feeling very festive compared to David. Then I remembered my crazy bright blue tights and a tardis outfit was made! This was the first picture David took of me and he kept saying, "Why do you look so short?" 

Hatch Happenings
Then he got on his knees and took this picture so I didn't look as short. I've realized he's got some inches on me, but looking at that first picture made me realize our height disparity again. {Tangent} Sometimes his height difference makes me laugh- like at our old apartment he would crouch in front of the sink and it blew my mind that he couldn't see himself in the mirror because he was too tall.

On actual Halloween day I took a test late and when I was done around 7:00 David still wasn't done at work. When we got home around 8:00 I rushed to turn on our porch light because what are we supposed to do with all that candy?!!

We got three cute little trick-or-treaters who happily took more when urged to... sadly we probably looked like the scrooge house on the block for most the evening and now have ten tons of candy. David is being helpful and says he'll hide it from me, haha.

So that's our Halloween week. It had it's ups and downs and now we are really moving into the holiday season, I just hope we don't have another week that is quite this crazy.

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