Bellamy's Blessing

Friday, December 20, 2019

Bellamy turned two months old December 12 so I did a little santa shoot while Russell napped and Scotty was at preschool. I'm not good a consistently taking nice pictures but I try to do at least one special shoot during their first year. Isn't she gorgeous? 

It didn't last long because it was nap time for her but I'm so glad I got these. Then later that week, my parents were in town for my cousin's wedding so we scheduled Bellamy's baby blessing for then as well.

We were lucky to have so much family support. All her grandparents were there, a set of great grandparents and lots of great uncles and aunts and parent's cousins.

 David gave such a sweet blessing to his girl. He blessed her with strength and patience, to feel God's love, have the gift of spiritual intuition, and be close to her siblings and feel their love.

She did so well and didn't cry until midway through sacrament when she was hungry. Then the guest of honor came home and napped.

I'm so grateful for my mom who came and helped for so long in October. Or as Scotty put it, "Grandma came for years and years."

Bellamy wore the dress my grandma gifted to my mom for my baby blessing. Scotty wore the same one. Bellamy also got to wear a knit sweater and booties she got from cousins since it's cold now.

Scotty and Hannah were in heaven playing most of the time. Russell played as well but he napped for a long chunk of the festivities. 

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