David's Executive MBA Graduation

Wednesday, July 01, 2020

The title of this is misleading because graduation for David during a worldwide pandemic meant pressing "leave meeting" on his final class Zoom call.

What graduation was supposed to be was us cheering David on as he walked into the Marriott Center with the other master students and taking family pictures afterwards. It was supposed to include a fun final get together potluck with his classmates and their families. And graduation was supposed to be preceded by his Foreign Business Excursion to businesses in India and the Middle East and a day and half stop in Paris.

David at the very beginning of his MBA doing some assignments before classes started. Scotty was 2 and Russell was 7 months old.
It's [really] frustrating David and our family didn't get to celebrate his big accomplishment. He has been working on his executive MBA for two years and it has been tough. He worked on homework and work constantly. Saturday classes followed by Sunday morning meetings ate up a lot of dad time. Friday night classes or homework made date nights hard. But David, the intrepid, gritty man that he is did it and he did it well. I'm so proud of him and we might have to crash graduation ceremony 2021 just to really celebrate all his work.

We packed up the car one Sunday after home church and headed down to Provo since David ordered his cap and gown pre-covid lockdown. We decided to try to grab some pictures as a family; it started getting crazy windy and rainy so it didn't last long. Also Scotty insisted on wearing this strange and hilarious outfit on the drive down that makes us look like cult kooks.

This photo is titled: Self Timer, harder than you'd think.

One possible title option for this one: Does our family look accomplished yet?

 Just a little boy and his dad... and a stone cougar.

 I'm not crying, you're crying. (I'm a sucker for parent-child photos).

David got his EMBA, I got my VBAC, nobody got a DUI and they all lived happily ever acronym.

Now on to the brilliant graduate's photo sesh. The kids were watching from the warm, dry, fruit snack laden car. 



It's kind of funny to be back on campus because all his classes were in Salt Lake. It was nostalgic remembering our undergrad and coming back to celebrate David's graduate work, which was a very different experience and phase of life. David will use the skills and life lessons from his MBA for a long time and we're grateful he had a supportive employer who helped him move forward. Another chapter closed, can't wait to see what's next!

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  1. So impressive! Congratulations on this hard-earned honor, David. We are so proud to call you son!
