Sunday, December 01, 2013
Though this was a rare year where Thanksgiving and Hanukkah collided, we spent the day occupied as usual: with family, food, and fun. We spent this Thanksgiving with the Smith family again in Farmington.
Here's Mike and Allison, Christi, and us. Check out David's beard. He wasn't planning on regrowing it this year but as he explains it started by accident. He missed shaving on a Friday, never shaves on Saturday, and it was too long to shave without it being irritating to his face on Sunday. So suddenly he was growing a beard again- ha! We'll see how long it lasts. He says until Christmas.
We brought the mashed potatoes this year and we're so grateful for everyone else's delicious contributions. Grandma and Grandpa rocked the oven roasted veggies and David and I drooled over the candied yams again. I just bought yams on sale and am looking forward to recreating them soon. David didn't even have dessert last year because the yams were so good (and sugary!)
We decided we have an extra lot to be grateful for this year. The least of which is not each other- we can't believe that this time last year we were engaged and I was going through the temple. It seems like this year has flown by!
David was in pie heaven :)
I snapped a cute picture of Grandma here.
David and I spent the rest of the day hanging out with family and watching movies. We're glad we decided not travel this year so we could spend more time working on the house, which is coming along nicely. We think we are still on track to be finished sometime in January. We're so grateful for the fun times we had talking to and seeing family.