Laura's Graduation
Monday, April 28, 2014
After four years and a lot of homework I graduated from BYU with my Bachelors in Communications- Public Relations. It was fun to celebrate with my family since they were here for Allison's wedding.
I grabbed my cap and gown from the bookstore a half an hour before I was supposed to line up for the Thursday commencement in the Marriot Center. And look who I ran into trying to buy my dad a belt?
Then I lined up with the 5,000 other graduates and we paraded over to the Marriott. I couldn't believe it when we walked past President Uchtdorf- I waved to him :)
My view from my seat on the court.
President Uchtdorf speaking- he didn't have any notes but he was the most entertaining speaker.
Taylor and I both graduated and had fun celebrating together. He's heading off to USC's law school in the fall.
Everyone went to Banana Leaf for dinner afterwards and celebrated- we had fun hanging out and trying some new foods.
The next day was our college graduation ceremony where they call your name. It was more fun because I knew the people I was graduating with and my professors were there.
I snapped this picture of myself after I got my fake diploma (they mail the real one to you) and texted it to David and said "I'm done for realzzz now!" He had to work Friday so he only went to the first ceremony (lucky him).

Mom's pictures from the nosebleeds :)

Mom's pictures from the nosebleeds :)
PR ladies who I got to work with and have classes with.
Afterwards I met up with the PR students and some professors and we all took pictures with the Y.
Preston snapped some pictures of Mom and Dad looking on proudly. One down- three to go!
Unfortunately Preston also got distracted by this gentleman's head.
There were probably at least 5 more pictures like this on my camera when I got it back from him.
You'd think as a college graduate I would have known what to expect when I gave my camera to a 16 year old boy who is kind of bored. Haha!
I'm so excited to work for an awesome company doing communications and marketing for them. It's fun when your hard work pays off. I'm still wrapping my mind around being done with school permanently and am excited for the next adventures in our life!