Camelback Reunion 2015 || Year of the Rabbit (s)
Friday, June 12, 2015
First off, I apologize for starting this off with a selfie, just roll your eyes and go "those millenials." I post vacation photos chronologically for memory's sake and this is one I wanted to remember.
This Camelback Family Reunion began as it usually does- shopping before we leave! David, being the kind husband that he is, told me to get a new swimsuit. I went straight to Lime Ricki; I highly recommend it- all the suits are modest, super cute and affordable.
It seems like you can't get a modest suit for less than 100 bones these days, but that skirt/skort bottom alone was 9 bucks so #winning. This one felt more like an outfit than a swimsuit- so much coverage and super fun. Plus peplum means you have nothing to hide around your midsection.... right?
As we drove through scenic southern Utah on our way to Arizona we listened to Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson- it was a great recommendation from David's cousin, Cody. Sooo good! Also we call everything/one we don't like "Skaa" now because we're fantasy nerds.
We spent a little less time at the pool this year but we did enjoy burgers by the pool and catching up with the family. The weather was in the high 80s all weekend, which we loved!!
Turns out the photos I got around the pool were of Gage and his bucket hat. When he walked up to me the first day in that hat I was going to tease him, but it was just so Gage. By the end of weekend everyone wanted one because he's such a trendsetter.
Look at this towering teenager! I can't believe baby Gage is a giant!
The train park Friday night was fun, Gage brought our frisbee and his volleyball. We enjoyed the traditional jaunt around the park on the chu chu.
On Saturday, one of the unique activities we participated in this year was a guacamole making demonstration by the head chef of one of the on-site restaurants. Turns out the chef grew up in David's mission area and his recipe was very similar to the one David makes. I picked up a tip about chopping cilantro- don't use a serrated knife because that wilts the cilantro.
When we weren't at the pool Friday and Saturday, this is where we spent most of our non-pool time: on the porch of our room playing Settlers of Catan.
David set it up around the umbrella. David must have played at least 10 rounds over the weekend. My Dad kept saying, "let's play one more" because he hadn't won yet. Then other cousins came and played as well.
The view from the porch
This is a picture of a single jackrabbit. But don't let this deceive you- there were at least 15 running around the paths and chilling on the grass this year. It's a population explosion; I've never seen so many. The toddlers/little kids were going crazy chasing them. I deemed it the Year of the Rabbit because of this phenomenon.
Saturday night all my Aunts and Uncles, cousins and their kids ate dinner outside and talked. We always have fun sitting together talking.
I dare you to find a picture of Gage without this hat.
I laughed when I found this picture my mom took- what the heck was I saying? I'm not that entertaining but even I want to join in on this convo.
So many cute babies!
Saturday night we also had a family history night in the Cholla room that was fascinating. I should write it down before I forget! My Grandpa's last remaining sibling, Uncle Phil, shared memories of his childhood and family.
One thing I learned was that my Grandpa Ralph did a little drinking in Vernal during high school [scandal!]. But I also learned that as the oldest he who softened his dad's heart by deciding to go on a mission.
On Sunday I got to give a talk to the 50 + relatives that we're there. I felt way more pressure than I do at regular sacrament meetings because this Sunday happens once a year and it's an important spiritual experience for most of us.
My topic was How We Show Our Love For the Savior by Keeping Our Covenants. It goes along with the Bryson Banner of Faithfulness. We have cards with the family motto we carry with us:
So my talk was explaining why the family motto is so important. If you want to read it (and I mean Elder Smith if you care to) here's it is.
After church we did our traditional picture taking. This is the Smith clan hamming it up.
Lovely aunts and cousins
All the little kids were wanting to be held by their parents, so my dad picked up Gage. He secretly wants to be a grandpa.
All of my Mom's siblings and their kids that came.
My very talented cousin Leslie took some pictures of me while we were there which is always fun.
It was so fun to share this family tradition for the third year now with David. Sometimes I'm reminded that not everyone gets so lucky with spouses who love all their in-laws but we really enjoy both sides of our families and think our future kids are pretty lucky as well.
What a fun reunion! I like your family motto. I love the swim suit too, you darn millennials with your selfies :) I LOVE the Mistborn books, Colleen recommended them to me. I love the millions of twists to the story!