Scottlyn's 9 Month Update
Thursday, January 26, 2017
Nine months old. It feels like such impossibly long and short time. I look at pictures of my three month old and say, "where did my tiny baby go?" It feels like we're screaming towards that year mark and like every mom ever, it feels like the worst milestone in history.

I wish I could bottle every stage but I can't. I can only record it. Like how Scotty is such a fast crawler I can hardly keep up. Luckily I don't have to because she's a mama's girl. If I'm in a bedroom and she takes off into the hall a minute later she'll poke her head back into the room like she's saying, "Mom are you coming?"

Or how she understands by my voice she's not supposed to be doing something (like eating toilet paper rolls) and stops immediately. Of course she'll start again if I don't redirect her but I love that she's such a good little listener.
I can't bring myself to cut her hair even though it's constantly in her eyes. Partly because it will grow out eventually and I don't want her to have bangs and partly because I love pushing her hair out of her eyes.
When she's tired she'll grab a binky, pop it in her mouth and keep doing what she's doing. She's not a huge snuggler, but she does love climbing on us and giving us open mouthed kisses. She'll make a growling bear noise in response to you making the noise first. Scotty has the longest back and forth conversations with David and lights up when he's around.
She's the worst when it comes to holding still for a diaper change, which my dad claims is karma haha. Scotty LOVES the bath and bath time is nicer now she sits up and crawls on her own and understands that putting her face in the water isn't necessarily pleasant when you don't hold your breath.
She accidentally stood up by herself for a bit this week, but when she realized she wasn't holding on to anything she lost her balance and I haven't been able to get her to do it since. But the thing is I'm relieved that's the case.
I love all these milestones. I love that tiny first tooth smack dab in the middle of her lower gums that's coming up right now. I love that she's cruising around holding onto furniture. But I hate that my baby won't be my baby forever and nine months seems to be a cruel reminder that our time in babyhood won't last. But the thing is, this fleeting baby time makes me really savor the moment. I was washing dishes and she came over wanting to play so I did. Dishes are forever, nine month old baby Scotty is for 31 days. We're so lucky we get to watch her grow up!