365 With Scotty
Monday, April 24, 2017
From a little ball of squish who couldn't hold up her own head to an independent toddler tottering around the house on her own two legs in just twelve months. Mind. blown. I'm pretty sure I have whiplash from how quickly this year went. They warn you, but they can't really. There aren't adequate words.
Scotty at a year is curious. She LOVES watching other kids. Occasionally I feel bad she doesn't have older siblings (oh, the crazy things we think). She loves opening drawers and cupboards and pushing buttons.

Scotty is also good natured as well as independent. She'll go and play with her toys and if it gets too quiet you know she found the sour candy in dad's night stand or mom left the bathroom door open and the toilet paper got unravelled.
Scottlyn loves paper and will eat any scrap she can get her hands on. She also loves water and will drink tub water and suck water out of washclothes. Mom and dad have learned to keep the sippy accessible to her at all times since she's all about hydration.
Scotty still gives good cuddles, especially if she's tired or teething and isn't a fan of mom leaving anywhere, which makes mom feel like a million bucks.
Scottlyn still does her classic stink face with scrunchy nose on occasion which always makes us laugh.
She was spoiled by all her grandparents and family for her birthday. She got lots of new toys and books. Mom and dad brought a smash cake to the monthly Smith birthday dinner and she got to entertain everyone by digging into her cake after tentatively touching it with her tongue.
Happy Birthday sweet girl, we love you!