Yellowstone 2017
Friday, August 25, 2017We're so lucky to be able to go on so many fun trips during Summer I always fall behind with sharing. Plus there's an element of the fact that nobody cares about other people's vacations that makes me slow to post. Sorry for the old news, but this trip was in actuality super awesome.
So here's some self-indulgent pictures of Yellowstone's scenery you probably don't want to see. But mostly here's us and David's awesome family ;)
First stop: really big waterfall with a name I don't remember. It was crowded, we hit it right when some tour busses pulled up.
This random guy next to us looks disgruntled. Maybe his tour group left him behind, haha.
I almost discarded this photo and then noticed Annette's awesomeness and had to add it in, haha.
I was so proud of myself for so expertly packing the car by myself and then going to pick up David at work. Until I realized I spaced the hiking backpack for Scotty. That little principessa got carried around (mostly by daddy) the entire trip. Contrary to her face here, she loved it.

I just can't even with these two and their love (que ugly mom cry). Dadda is one of her most used words.
Pretty colors was basically the story of Yellowstone.

We got to ride with Grandma Sandra and Grandpa Larry and Scotty enjoyed entertaining/being entertained by Grandma in the back. I was impressed by how well she did hanging out in the car for two days as we drove around the park. It wasn't perfect, but it could have been harder.
Colleen & Nathan had the best parenting hack- let the kids all take pictures with different cameras. Their kids went crazy for it.
Okay I LOVE talking to Noelle. There's no such thing as a dull conversation with her. The memory I'd most like to preserve was when I accidentally talked her out of going on a mission by informing her there's a list of approved reading materials. She was astonished and besides stating, "that's not fair" she pushed further and clarified that you can't even read for pleasure in the 10 minutes before bedtime. I suggested the experience she seemed to be contemplating sounded more like a study abroad, bahaha.
Also, I forgot a real jacket for her #completemomfail
Sorry Noelle, it was you or Grandma with your eyes closed in these pictures so... Grandma won.
Look at these two lovebirds and their awesome posing skills.
Now to the family that decided to stand in the shadows and only take 1 photo- ugh.
Okay, back to the photogenic people!
I love this shot of our fun group, we had a great time with them. Also, I volunteer Tara to teach picture posing lessons at the next family gathering- look at that pose!
Andddddd momarazzi is behind the camera ;)
Lizzy will assist Tara in her lessons on how to be photogenic! Look at this girl!
Oh hey hey, another waterfall.
Yenta the Scotty fan.
Lizzy, the epitome of sweetness- LOOK at that face!

The kids were often told about the importance of staying ON the boardwalks due to the crazy temperatures of the springs and things. Unfortunately we did have one fall off on a luckily not dangerous area. Even though carrying Scotty was a pain I was kind of happy we didn't have to deal with the kid-boardwalk dynamic quite yet.
At the cabin we had fun hanging out and playing games. One of the days Peter taught everyone how to make a fire.
Scotty enjoyed collecting rocks cousins brought to her.
We definitely had our wild animal expectations met, there were plenty of buffalo, elk, beavers and other creatures to satisfy the hype.
Scotty was napping in the car but woke up just in time to see old Faithful. That baby has good timing.
Nathan and Colleen brought their temperature laser gun and the kids would tell us the temperature at each pool. I can't remember what the highest one was but it was HOT.
This was my favorite pool by old Faithful. I liked the color and the shape.
David got creative with Scotty transport.