Family Home Evening. For Reals

Thursday, May 09, 2013

Family Home Evening. For the first times since our singles-student ward days this actually describes our Monday nights. And Mondays are better and worse than singles ward days. Before somebody was assigned to plan a lesson, bring treats and basically do something. But now FHE are way more important and fun because it is an investment in our family.

We done some fun ones like writing a gratitude list, and coming up with ways to serve each other. But we really got creative when David came up with the awesome idea to throw in a little family history flair a couple weeks ago.

Here's what we did:

Step 1: Go to campus and walk to the library and grab a computer. Look up the book.
Hatch Happenings Family Home Evening

Step 2: Find the book and take it to a quiet place to read. 
Hatch Happenings Family Home Evening

Hatch Happenings Family Home Evening

Step 3: Be wowed by interesting stories (Great-grandma didn't have an ear canal??) (Great-grandpa first asked out Grandma on a dare- so cute)
Hatch Happenings Family Home Evening

Step 4: Put the book back and head out. But not before shenanigans in the elevator and standing on a scary and ginormous grate by the unground parking. Yeah, we live life on the edge.
Hatch Happenings Family Home EveningHatch Happenings Family Home Evening

It was fun; we really enjoyed looking through and reading the beginning of the Tingey book. David's grandma compiled the book and published a book of her parent's lives with pictures, interviews, and lots of fun stories. We were glad it made it into the BYU library so we could go check it out!

*sorry for the blurry pics- iPod cam fail.

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