Russell's Blessing + 6 Week Update

Monday, July 23, 2018

Russell just turned 5 months old... so yeah I'm finally pushing publish on the post from the archive. Babies man, they rock your world, haha.

We've made it six weeks from Russell's birth. It feels like a huge milestone because it was also my C-section recovery timeline and I've felt even more out of sorts than a regular postpartum recovery. Not being able to lift things and tiring easily was frustrating and poor Scotty was basically trapped at home since we couldn't really go out without help.

It was a really wonderful six weeks though too. Seeing Scotty with Russell and realizing she accepted him as part of the family has been awesome. Kids are so great. And this time I feel like I'm really, really enjoying loving on a newborn. I'm not stressed about the future, I'm just enjoying it. Plus he's a dreamboat who actually sleeps and almost never cries (even though I'm pretty sure he's got some reflux going on). 

Here's some of the fun from our first weeks with Russell:

Blessing Day

We blessed Russell at home because my family was in town conference weekend. Our Bishop was wonderful and came over for that. Luckily the weather was gorgeous and we were able to have people eat and play outside.

The classic lion king pose and Russell in the blessing outfit we got from his cousins.

Scotty had a fever the week we scheduled to take newborn & family photos so this was our first photo as a family of four!

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