Easter 2019

Sunday, May 05, 2019

This year felt like the first real Easter with kids because Scotty was old enough to care and participate. We did two Easter egg hunts and found Easter baskets Sunday morning. Scotty was thrilled to learn there's another holiday other than Halloween that involves candy. 

Our first Easter egg hunt was at second cousins' Adaline and Everly's (and Pierce ;) house. Scotty loved helping hide the eggs and Russell loved shaking them and eventually figuring out how to open them.

But the real highlight of that Easter egg hunt was Aunt Annette and Uncle Charles' four fuzzy ducklings. 

Russell attempted to put everything from duck feed to duck poo into his mouth. 

Scotty loved them from afar...

Aunt Annette tried to help Scotty pet a ducky but she declined.

 Russell had none of the same qualms haha.

 Adaline was the bravest of the kids and attempted to hold one.

 Here's the cute group lined up and ready to go!

Russell mainly wandered, got very muddy and shook a single egg happily.


Scotty needed a little training so she wouldn't stop and inspect and then eat every egg she found immediately. After she figured out that was slowing her down she did a great job looking for eggs.

Between the eggs, candy, ducks, dog, cousins and fun yard these two had a great time. The next weekend we had friends come over and we did an Easter egg hunt in our cul-du-sac which was similarly relaxed and fun. Especially because David didn't have class and got to visit and take part in helping Scotty find eggs.

We did an Easter family home evening about the resurrection where we explained Jesus came back to life after 3 days. Unsure how to explain life and death to a brand new three year old, we had her lay down in the storage ottoman and pop out after we all counted to 3. It was funny but she semi got it. I also did books about Easter and Jesus in their baskets because I wanted to make sure we were tying this back to the real meaning. It's hard to teach symbolism to little kids when they just want the candy but we'll keep working on it. It was fun to start traditions and make memories.

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