Fall 2017
Tuesday, November 07, 2017
This Fall has been so much fun. We've been enjoying the new backyard, walking in the mornings, the local farm run by the county that's free and spending time together with David's shorter commute.
Scotty even got into crunching leaves. It's so fun to see her be able to really learn and interact with the outdoors. She was a cute oblivious baby last year so this is new for us.
I was hoping to re-create that cute time we had at the pumpkin patch last year when she was six months old. Unfortunately I picked a lemon of a pumpkin patch in Draper. It was tiny, crowded and there was almost nothing for Scotty to do there. We didn't even stay for 20 minutes.
But that's like this whole mom gig. You try and try and sometimes your plans go right and sometimes they don't. They go right a lot more often when you're prepared though, haha.
I was telling David there weren't any pictures of me and he was like, well you need to give me the camera then. Opps, he's right. But I have so much fun watching those two together. Also, I'm at the point in my pregnancy where when Scotty sits on my stomach I'm suddenly trying not to pee my pants.
I mean, come one. Look at those two! We're excited to spend Thanksgiving with family and keep enjoying and exploring our new surroundings. David asked me the other day if living in our house would ever stop feeling weird and I said I didn't think so. Every day is a pinch me moment and we can't help but feel so grateful for this new spot our family is enjoying so much.