Christmas 2017 - New Years Thoughts
Sunday, December 31, 2017This Christmas was different. It was the first time in our five years of marriage we wouldn't be spending it at our parents' and I was so excited. Mostly because I thought it would be less stressful without travel and fun in a new way.
Though we definitely had a great holiday at home I learned a couple things: when moms have been collecting Christmas stuff for literally years, their houses are more festive. The other thing is that it takes effort to make new traditions. I was kind of intimidated to start doing things not in my comfort zone and had plans to do more service-oriented things during the month.

But we still had a good holiday and had fun times with the Smiths on Christmas Eve and David's family Christmas Day. Family time is really what makes the holiday.
Being pregnant with a little boy made me think of Mary more this year. I was talking with my OB about what to anticipate with my second birth and she was telling me the labor and pushing should be much shorter and easier. I've been having braxton hicks like crazy which I never had at all with Scotty, meaning my body knows to get ready this time.
But Mary was having her first! And probably in pre-labor uncomfortableness during travel. And real labor during the inn search. And she didn't have her mom there. Just inexperienced Joseph who wasn't even the dad. I would be shaking my fist at God a bit at this point. She didn't even have an epidural to look forward to. I mean she was an absolute saint for doing what she did. I looked at Mary this year when I looked at those nativities and thought about how grateful I am for the role she played.
Now we're in that weird limbo of being sick with head colds and coughs while simultaneously
being together at home for a week. Everyone is gearing up for 2018 with resolutions but my expectation for 2018 is taking things slower. I can tell it's going to be slow and steady third trimester prep for my March man and then we'll have a couple months of newborn fog and adjustment time. And if David starts a masters program mid-year it'll be another adjustment for me to a more independent parent of two and David will basically have to balance two jobs for two years straight.

Basically I think 2018 will be all about giving ourselves grace. Home improvement projects might slow down, routines will completely change, I'll have to teach another infant how to sleep and continue to try to get a picky petite toddler to eat but it'll be really joyful. We'll get to learn how to thrive in new ways. So here's to new things!