Tales from the Pantry + Baby Boy Room Update
Wednesday, December 13, 2017I'm slowly getting baby boy's room together. I had to pause because we budget and with David and I both doing projects, we hit our home improvement limit pretty early on in the month. So when you run out of paint and money... you clean out and organize your pantry and plan that future project out instead, ha.
Pantry Phase 1
I listened to a podcast and they had the girls from @thehomeedit on. They do celebrity pantries and make them gorgeous. The tips I applied were: 1. You have to actually take everything out of the pantry. 2. If you like a more clean, open look you've got to put less stuff in the pantry.
So here's us over midway through clearing out the pantry. I did not take an embarrassing before picture where it was overflowing with food.
I'm at this exciting place where basically I need to follow through on getting the decor next month, wash all his little clothes (eek!) and we have a baby's room. Oh yeah, and somehow figure out my toddler's room because the crib and the recliner are moving to baby boy's room. Don't even get me started on the toddler bed vs. twin debate.

CURRENTLY - No hearts!!

David suggested ditching the blinds altogether and I'm actually happy to. I get kind of nervous hearing stories about kids getting strangled in blind cords. Scotty loves climbing up on the ledge and playing with the cord. I'd rather just do a curtain and if we need more light blocking then I can line the curtain or we can get a shade that rolls down.