2017 Hatch Reunion

Friday, October 27, 2017

Don't worry it's only about to be Halloween and I'm FINALLY posting our Summer family reunion pictures. But you know I like the "good enough is better than not all" philosophy. 

We pre-gamed for a couple days with my parents in Santa Clarita and headed out to the beach. We hit up the fish hatchery in Ventura on the way. Scotty was semi interested and since the fish food is free, I'd say it was worth it.

This wasn't her first time at the beach (that was last Summer in Oceanside). But it was her first time as a toddler with a capacity to explore. She really liked the water and the warm sand. And of course she had to do a taste test.
It was a little chillier when we went to the beach again during reunion, so she mostly discovered a newfound love of goldfish while chilling in a chair. David got to play some beach volleyball while I enjoyed hanging out with Scotty and the kids.

"Get away from my goldfish seagulls, I have the force!"
Honestly this was maybe the most fun reunion (for me) because it was so laid back and perfect for our current stage. Aunt Quenta and Amanda did a great job getting crafts and activities for the kids to do at the pre-school and the pre-school itself was like heaven with all it's toys and playground.
We had to drive back Sunday so we left straight from family pictures which were right at nap time. Please enjoy these pictures of Scotty's impending melt down/ her melting down. Haha.

This spot was perfect for pictures minus the sun in everyone's eyes. I took at least 10 of Colleen's family and could not find one where everyone had their eyes open haha. I do love the facial expressions though.

Grandma Sandra did a great job sharing family history stories again as part of the activities. They're always so interesting and make me wish we had time to hear every ancestor's stories.

We had to wait a while for everyone to get there and get the group picture all set up. Here's patient Sterling.
 And not patient Scotty.
I like this picture of Grandma Nola calmly in the middle of everything. I felt like it was accurate.
We missed the rest of the Sandra Hatch clan but we definitely love getting to spend time with everyone who was there! Can't wait for next year already!
Previous Hatch Reunion Posts: 2016 | 2015 | 2014

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