Nauvoo- Day 5
Sunday, September 01, 2013
Hi everyone- we're still on board the trip debriefing train around here. Don't worry we're almost done, we spent two days in Nauvoo and the last day in Missouri. Then I'll stop torturing everyone with historical sites and facts.
The fifth morning of our trip we stayed in Fort Madison, Ohio across the river from Nauvoo. We drove across the toll bridge into Illinois and drove over to Nauvoo.
I'm going to be honest here: I was underwhelmed by Nauvoo. Not the church history sites but the town itself. I never imagined Nauvoo today as a tiny little town that wasn't big enough for a Walmart and has no satisfactory eating spots (seriously pack yourself a lunch if you are planning on staying all day). I compared Salt Lake today to Nauvoo today and realized what the saints could have done for the place. Nauvoo suffered when they left and it's smaller today then when they saints made it a huge city on the river.
Anyways, we drove down the hill past the temple to the visitor's center. From there we were informed of our options which were numerous.
We decided to do a wagon-tour of the sites first. It was great, we toured the sites and got a feel for the layout of Nauvoo. When we returned we decided to do all of the fun rides and then did a carriage ride tour of a different part of Nauvoo where they tell you spiritual Nauvoo stories.

This was one of the things we drove by. They were explaining how the saints drained the swamp Nauvoo was originally and "got rid of the mosquitos." Let's set the record straight: they cut down on the number of mosquitos, but there are still mosquitos around. Two words: bug spray.

And to round out our authentic transportation experience we went over and rode in a ox cart. It was pretty jolty but the perks of oxen were numerous so no wonder these guys were the preferred way to travel long- distances. Today they go around a tiny track and take long breaks- definitely spoiled compared to their ancestors haha.

Then we went over to the outdoor amusements for the kids. What can we say, we really are just big kids.

Here's David mastering the stilts. I had a go too... Laura on flat ground is a challenge by itself, now imagine adding stilts to the mix. Hehe.

We toured quite a few other places and had lunch in Nauvoo. We ended walking down Parley street where they saints lined up when they were leaving Nauvoo that winter. They have plaques with different excerpts from people's journals.

Here's David and Nathan at the memorial at the end of the path. The statue is Brigham and Joseph looking west.

After that we went to the outdoor theater to watch the Sunset on the Mississippi show put on by the missionaries and then a show by vocal point. It was a long day and then we made another trip across the river to Walmart to stock up for the next day. And stock up we did. Did you know Walmart sells imitation girl scout cookies? That's dangerous information my friends.
And here's a video where David schools me in a pioneer game from earlier.
Here's Colleen's post about today.