Saturday, September 21, 2013
Today is the anniversary of our engagement! We probably won't remember it after this year because it would be going overboard to celebrate our engagement and actual anniversary. But it seems crazy that we got engaged a year ago now!
A couple weeks ago we actually visited the spot David proposed at. For pictures of our engagement see here. We decided to hike further up South Fork Canyon- it was kind of spontaneous, we didn't know how long the hike was but we had a good time.
A couple weeks ago we actually visited the spot David proposed at. For pictures of our engagement see here. We decided to hike further up South Fork Canyon- it was kind of spontaneous, we didn't know how long the hike was but we had a good time.

This is us standing where we got engaged.

The brook next to where we got engaged. The sound of the water really added to the atmosphere that night!

David is standing where the table with the flowers was.

After that trip down memory lane we continued up the beautiful trail.

There were a million loud crickets jumping all over for the first part of the hike so David caught one of the culprits for us to check out.

I loved how varied the trail and scenery were on this hike. I squealed "ooo pretty" more than once on this hike, which David always thinks is hilarious. Probably because I will break off abruptly in the middle of a sentence to say how gorgeous I think something is.

This part with the wooden walkway totally felt like we were in Jurassic park. Very pre-historic foliage- I expected to see some dinos to come walking by. Look those plants are taller than David!

More gorgeous trees- what a wonderful hike.

This is the view up the canyon as we were heading up.

It wasn't too tough a hike, we just brought our backpacks to train for Mt. Timp.

We used the camera pan to show the scope of the beautiful view- it's hard to capture.

David want to go further up but it was getting into the late afternoon and I hadn't bargained for an all day hike. We agreed to hike for another 1/2 hour and see if we were any closer to the top. With the top still not in view we stopped and took a few pictures here.

David's a hiking machine- he probably could have gone for another few hours if I had let him.

But the clouds started looking ominous and we headed down and only got slightly wet. It was such a fun way to remember our engagement and spend some free time together. Even though I enjoyed it I was worried about hiking Timp the next week still- I'll share how that went next!
I do enjoy that hike quite a bit. It is so beautiful once it snows up there in late Fall.