Utah County Classics
Monday, September 23, 2013
David and I had a bunch of fun this summer. I'm currently mourning our extreme loss of free time- we both work, I do school, David does renovation stuff and basically that's it. But I can still look back at an awesome date night and FHE we did this summer and remember that, yes, we are fun people who are currently working pretty hard.
Date Night- Lehi Rodeo

I was excited when David asked me if I wanted to go to the Lehi Rodeo. I'd gone before with my family when I was younger and had a great time. I was pumped to have the same experience with David.

Here's my hottie- can't quite call him my cowboy since neither of us wore boots. If we go next year, we are totally dressing up.

This is before the competitions started.

This is after... the only action shot I got was when they let all the animals lose after it was over.

We had a great time learning the ropes of rodeo and being entertained by the announcers and competitors. David also taught me what makes the animals buck so hard- ouch, PETA must hate rodeos.
FHE- Batting Cages

In an effort to continue using our Pass of All Passes we headed over to the Trafalga by the freeway to try out the batting cages. Isn't it picturesque? Haha... or not.

David made it look pretty easy as he hit the majority of his pitches and after a bit of practice he hit them pretty far too. In this picture I'm squatting down to hit a low ball. The machine would send about every other pitch pretty low.

Well, my turn came around and it turned out to be a little harder than it looked. Probably because the bat was heavier than I expected and when I made contact with the ball the bat vibrated painfully. But then I got into it and it was really fun to focus and figure out the timing of when I needed to swing. Though I did end up with a bruise after this.

And a sideways (opps) video I shot of David when he was up to bat:
And the video David took of me batting: