Summer Weddings
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Me and probably every other girl on the planet are fans of spring or summer weddings. The colors, the weather. To prove my point- how often do you see perfect winter wedding vignettes on Pinterest? Just about never.
We got married in December (though it was in LA) so my summer wedding fantasies did not come to fruition. I don't regret not waiting for spring because the last nine months have been awesome and it would have been silly to wait. But I can rejoice that some of our favorite cousins got to take advantage of wedding season this summer and have beautiful days.
Cody + Markie's Wedding
Preface- they got married in July the same week as the fourth of July. Colleen and Nathan's family came down to play before the wedding and we had a fun time seeing the parade in Provo and visiting the splash pad.

The girls obviously wanted to be able to see the parade so they scooted to the front where a mean old lady kept moving her seat over to block them. I had the urge to go up to that lady put my hand on her shoulder and ask her why she was being mean to three little girls and was her being rude to them actually increasing her enjoyment of the parade?

But there were good things too- llama fest advertisements, missionaries marching by... it was classic cheese. Never change Provo.

Look at those cuties! David is pretending to scream because Gideon is keeping his balance by holding onto Davids hair- totes adorbs right?

Then on Saturday we went to the wedding at the gorgeous Salt Lake Temple to see these two lovebirds get hitched.

This picture is really grainy but I love their expressions. Happy, happy, happy!

And in all the excitement I forgot to take pictures at the reception, which was beautiful and fun. Complete with slow dances, crepes, and a sparkler send off.
Spencer + Kristin's Wedding
Their reception was the night before the wedding at a park in Bountiful. This is what happens when you get some Bryson cousins together:

I'm pretty sure Paige is either declaring she is going to catch the bouquet, or outlining our plan to ambush the happy couple with nerd glasses (think operation #hatchtag at our wedding).

These two obviously think Paige is hilarious.

Here's Brooke enjoying herself and telling us stories of her walking around campus with a bag on her head and munching on a delicious cookie.

Heidi and my mom.

Kristin DIY-ed the reception decorations and they turned out so cute. My favorite part was the wood blocks on the tables with pictures of them and descriptions they wrote about each other.
And the moment all the single ladies were waiting for:

Here's Kristen cautioning them against getting too excited- haha

And little girls for the win! Paige said she didn't want to mow the littles over so she let them have it. I think there should be an unofficial rule to let the big girls have it! No littles aloud until you can actually go on a date! Haha.

Cookies smile :)

Mr. Hubby enjoying the pandemonium.
The wedding

They got married at the Bountiful Temple which is gorgeous.

This is the temple I went through for the first time and I was excited to come back and see a sealing here. It has one of the most gorgeous brides rooms I have ever seen.

The happy couple- can I just say I loved the dresses on both of these girls. I'm a little biased since I went with the lacy myself.

This scene melted my heart- Claire bear is not forgotten by her brother, the groom. She was a little shy with all the big kids and attention but she still wanted to talk to Spence.

Sisters and the groom- looks like they are fans of this guy :)

I dropped the ball again and didn't take picture of the luncheon until the balloon send off. But the luncheon was fun and we (all the cousins and David and I) did mob them wearing nerd glasses while gangan style played.
We are so happy for these two couples and (selfishly) excited for married couples our age to hang with while we all (except for graduated David) finish this year at BYU.